Provide a brief overview in which you promote one of


Discussion 6 – New Deal Programs

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For this discussion assignment you are required to do TWO things – 1) Provide a brief overview in which you promote one of the New Deal programs (see the list below) and 2) engage in discussion with others about the strengths and weaknesses of New Deal programs. You will utilize Chapter 24, but may also conduct additional research online. I have attached to this discussion forum an outline of New Deal programs that you should review, but this is not a complete listing of the options available to you for your project. Keep in mind that many of the programs exist beyond the era of the New Deal, with some even being operational today (or having influenced similar programs). 

PART 1: OVERVIEW Upload a short written overview (approximately one-paragraph in length) in which you provide your expert knowledge on one of the New Programs. You must not only explain the purpose of and need for your chosen program (in the context of the Great Depression), you must detail the positive impact of the program (during the Depression, but perhaps beyond the time period as well).  

PART 2: DISCUSSION (20 points)– After submitting your written overview to the forum, you will respond to at least TWO other students. At least one of your responses must include a criticism of a New Deal program promoted by another student.  In other words, what are the shortcoming(s) or weakness(es) of the program? Each response should be detailed and substantial (3-4 sentences each).

New Deal Programs

  • Tennessee Valley Authority
  • Agricultural Adjustment Administration
  • Civilian Conservation Corps
  • Civil Work Administration
  • National Recovery Administration
  • Public Works Administration
  • Emergency Banking Act
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Home Owners Loan Corporation
  • Federal Emergency Relief Administration
  •  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Farm Credit Administration
  • Federal Housing Administration
  • National Labor Relations Board (Wagner Act)
  • Securities Exchange Commission
  • National Youth Administration
  • Social Security Administration
  • Farm Security Administration
  • Drought Relief Service
  • Resettlement Administration
  • Rural Electrification Administration
  • United States Housing Authority
  • Federal Works Agency
  • Note: There were other programs, including some in Florida (like the Florida Citrus Commission) – You are welcome to go beyond this list if you would like!

Rubric (100 points possible) – 60 points for original posting (x1) and 40 points for responses (x2)

IDEAS (50 points)Ideas reflect original thought and substantial depth, and are relevant to the topic(s)WRITING/CONVENTIONS (10 points)Post and replies are well-written and reflect proper academic conventions for grammar and mechanicsCONTRIBUTION (40 points)Replies contribute in a meaningful way to the learning community and include specific details (3-4 Sentences minimum)TOTAL100

  • NewDealOutline.pdf

AP U.S. History: Unit 12.3

The New Deal I. Franklin D. Roosevelt A. Background 1. Born at family estate at Hyde Park, New York; raised in a wealthy family 2. Undersecretary of Navy during WWI; increased naval strength 3. Vice Presidential nominee for Democrats in 1920 (James Cox lost election) 4. Struck by polio in 1921 a. Confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life b. Disease strengthened his will, patience, tolerance and compassion. 5. Elected governor of NY in 1928 and 1930 a. Depression programs for the unemployed, public works, aid to farmers, and conservation attracted national attention. b. Dubbed “traitor to his class” by the rich c. Spoke frequently of his concern for the plight of the “forgotten man.” 6. Politically suave and conciliatory a. The premier orator of his generation b. Really a conservative in many ways: fiscally frugal, not anti- big business B. Eleanor Roosevelt 1. Niece of Theodore Roosevelt 2. Pushed FDR to maintain political career; vigorously campaigned on his behalf during the 1920s when FDR was stricken with Polio 3. Major leader of female wing of the Democratic party in 1920s and early 30s. 4. Became the “conscience of the New Deal” a. Published a syndicated newspaper column b. Lobbied extensively for her husband. 5. Championed causes for women, children, the poor, and African Americans 6. Most active first lady in American History II. Election of 1932 A. Roosevelt — Democratic candidate (chosen over Al Smith) 1. “I pledge you, I pledge myself to a new deal for the American people.”

Use space below for notes APUSH Lecture Notes Page 2 Unit 12.3: New Deal

2. Somewhat vague and contradictory during campaign a. Promised balanced budget & 25% cuts in gov’t spending — Criticized present deficits. b. Promised gov’t aid for the unemployed c. Advocated repeal of Prohibition B. Hoover — Republican candidate 1. Platform: Higher tariffs and maintenance of the gold standard. — Believed repeal of Hawley-Smoot tariff would be economically devastating. 2. Reaffirmed faith in American free enterprise and individual initiative 3. Defensive in tone contrasted with Roosevelt's optimism. C. Roosevelt defeated Hoover 472 to 59; Hoover carried only 6 states. 1. Blacks, traditionally loyal to Republican party of Lincoln, shifted to Democrats — Became vital element in the Democratic party. D. “Lame duck” period 1. Hoover tried unsuccessfully to bind Roosevelt to an anti- inflationary policy that would have jeopardized future New Deal programs. 2. Meanwhile, the American economy came to a virtual halt. 3. Twenty-first Amendment passed by Congress in February, 1933 a. Repeal of prohibition b. March — new Congress legalized light beer c. Amendment ratified by the states and took effect in December, 1933 E. Twentieth Amendment (adopted in 1933) 1. Presidential, vice presidential, and congressional terms begin in January 2. FDR first president to begin new presidential term on January 20th, 1936 III. Effects of the Great Depression by 1932 A. 25%-33% unemployment B. About 25% of banks failed C. 25% of farmers lost their farms D. Large numbers of businesses failed E. Loss of self-worth among millions of Americans APUSH Lecture Notes Page 3 Unit 12.3: New Deal





SSA, FDIC, Wagner Act, SSA, FDIC, Wagner Act, TVA, FHA, SEC, REA, Fair TVA, FHA, SEC, REA, Fair

Labor Standards Act, Labor Standards Act, Indian Reorganization ActIndian Reorganization Act


(short term)

RRecoveryecovery (medium term)

RReformeform (Long term)


Think of Relief as a “food bowl” that provides

temporary relief to people

out of work.

The “Three R’s” of the New DealThe “Three R’s” of the New Deal

FDR’s “twin pillars of

Recovery”: NRA & AAA

Reform is the foundation that plays a permanent

role in the U.S. economy

IV. The New Deal Inaugural Address: “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” A. FDR’s administration 1. “Brain Trust”: FDR selected experts for his “inner circle” rather than the typical politicians or businessmen. 2. Notable cabinet members and advisors of FDR’s “inner circle” a. Cordell Hull — Secretary of State b. Frances Perkins: first woman cabinet member; Sec. of Labor c. Harold L. Ickes — Secretary of the Interior; headed PWA d. Harry Hopkins — head of FERA and later, WPA e. Eleanor Roosevelt B. First “Hundred Days” (March 9-June16, 1933) 1. FDR did not have a developed plan when he took office. a. Intended to experiment and find out what worked. b. As a result, many programs overlapped or contradicted others. c. Sought practical solutions to practical problems. d. Used the fireside chats (radio) to communicate with the American people 2. Plan: Relief, Recovery, and Reform a. Short-range goals: relief & immediate recovery, especially first two years b. Long-range goals were permanent recovery and reform of current abuses, especially those that had produced the Great Depression APUSH Lecture Notes Page 4 Unit 12.3: New Deal

c. Progressive ideas: unemployment insurance, old-age insurance, minimum-wage, conservation and development of natural resources, and restrictions on child labor. 3. Unprecedented passage of legislation in U.S. history a. Congress eager to cooperate with FDR due to his strong mandate b. Gave the president extraordinary blank-check powers c. Some legislation delegated legislative authority to the chief executive. d. 1st 100 Days legislation has left a lasting mark on the nation 4. 1933-1935 programs now called First New Deal a. EBRA, Glass-Steagall Act, Truth-in-Securities Act, SEC, HOLC, FHA, FERA, CCC, PWA, AAA, NIRA (NRA), TVA b. 1935-1938 programs referred to as Second New Deal (see below) C. The Banking Crisis 1. Crisis a. 5,190 banks failed in 1933 bringing total number to 10,951 b. Banks in 38 states were closed by state governments. c. Remainder open for limited operations only. 2. FDR declared national “banking holiday” between March 6-10 a. Only banks who were solvent could reopen (the majority did) b. Aimed to restore faith in the nation's banking industry c. Government endorsement of banks would encourage people's trust 3. Took nation off the gold standard (March 6, 1933) a. Private holdings of gold were to be surrendered to the Treasury in exchange for paper currency. b. Congress responded by canceling the gold-payment clause in all contracts and authorizing repayment in paper money – “managed currency” c. In 1934, reduced value of the gold content of the dollar to 50 cents i. Value of dollar set at $35 per ounce of gold, 59% of its former value. ii. FDR wanted to stimulate business via controlled inflation iii. New purchasing power not significantly changed except with the unfavorable purchase of foreign goods. d. Forbade the export of gold or redemption of currency in gold 4. Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933 (March 9, 1933) a. Gave president (Treasury) power to open sound banks after ten days and to merge or liquidate unsound ones. b. Provided additional funds for banks from the RFC and the Federal Reserve c. Forbade the hoarding of gold. APUSH Lecture Notes Page 5 Unit 12.3: New Deal

5. March 12, first of his 30 “Fireside Chats”, 35 million Americans listened in. a. Assured Americans that it was now safer to keep money in the reopened banks than “under the mattress.” b. Confidence in nation's banking restored; deposits outpaced withdrawals. 6. Home Owner's Loan Corporation (HOLC) — June 13, 1933 a. Refinanced mortgages on about 1 million non-farm homes. b. Banks were saved as many foreclosures were prevented. c. Middle-class loyalties shifted to the Democratic party. 7. Glass-Steagall Banking Reform Act (Banking Act of 1933), June a. Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) — Individual deposits of up to $5,000 were federally insured b. Separated commercial banking from more speculative investment banking. D. Regulation of Banks and Big Business 1. “Truth in Securities Act” (Federal Securities Act) — May, 1933 — Required promoters to transmit to the investor sworn information regarding the soundness of their stocks and bonds. 2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — June 6, 1934 — Designed to protect the public against fraud, deception, and inside manipulation of the stock market; more efficient 3. Public Utility Holding Company Act, 1935 (Aug) (2nd New Deal) a. Reduced the possibilities of a business buying up other businesses with a minimum amount of capital. b. Empowered Securities and Exchange Commission to restrict public holding companies to one natural region and to eliminate duplicate holding companies. 4. Banking Act of 1935 created a strong central Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System with broad powers over the operations of the regional banks. E. Relief and Unemployment programs of the Hundred Days 1. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) — March 31, 1933 a. Most popular of New Deal programs b. Employed of 2.75 million young men (18-24) in outdoor gov’t camps to keep them out of trouble during the 1930s. i. Reforestation, firefighting, flood control, swamp drainage, and further developing national parks. ii. Under direction of the War Department c. Workers ate together in mess halls, lived in barracks, and followed a strict schedule — Some immigrants feared their sons being trained for the army. d. Most of monthly payment made to the family of each member. e. Some criticized it as being too militaristic in nature APUSH Lecture Notes Page 6 Unit 12.3: New Deal

2. Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) a. Created by Federal Emergency Relief Act (May 12, 1933) b. Headed by Harry Hopkins c. Gave $3 billion to states for direct dole payments or preferably for wages on work projects. — Unemployed who received relief money from gov't were “on the dole.” d. Later, Hopkins felt that giving people money broke down their self-respect and will to work; sought relief programs to put people back to work. e. Civil Works Administration (CWA) (branch of the FERA), Nov. 1933 i. 4 million unemployed received jobs in mostly make-work tasks — “boon-doggling” — raking leaves, sweeping streets and digging ditches. ii. Widely criticized and terminated in April 1934. 3. Public Works Administration (PWA) — Created by NIRA in 1933 a. Headed by Harold L. Ickes b. Granted over $4 billion to state and local governments to provide jobs on 34,000 public projects: building schools and dams, refurbishing gov't buildings, sewage systems, improving highways, (i.e. modernize nation's infrastructure) c. Problem: Money not spent quickly enough; millions remained out of work. 4. Works Progress Administration (WPA), May, 1935 (2nd New Deal) a. Response to unrest and criticism from such figures as Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, and Dr. Francis Townsend. b. Employed nearly 9 million people on public projects such as buildings, bridges, and hard-surfaced roads, airports, schools, hospitals. c. Total cost: $11.4 billion; eventually employed 40% of nation’s workers. d. Workers employed for 3-hours per week at pay double the relief payment but less than private employment. e. Federal Arts Project: WPA agencies also found part-time occupations for high-school and college students and for actors, musicians, and writers. — Dorothea Lange hired to photograph ordinary Americans during the depression 5. National Youth Administration (NYA) — June, 1935 a. Created as part of the WPA b. Provided part-time jobs for high school and college students to help them to stay in school, and to help young adults not in school to find jobs. APUSH Lecture Notes Page 7 Unit 12.3: New Deal

F. Agricultural Programs of the Hundred Days 1. Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), May 12, 1933 a. Attempted to eliminate price-depressing surpluses by paying growers to reduce their crop acreage — subsidies. i. Goal: Prices equal to those of 1909-1914 period. ii. Subsidy money came from a tax on the processing of the commodities. — Processing tax later ruled unconstitutional. c. Much of the cotton crop for 1933 was plowed under. d. Several million pigs were purchased and slaughtered. Much meat either distributed to people on relief or used for fertilizer. e. Criticized for destruction of food at a time when thousands were hungry. — Much of criticism unwarranted f. Farm income increased but tenants and sharecroppers hurt when owners took land out of cultivation, thus removing tenants but retaining subsidies. g. Eventually killed in the Supreme Court case Butler vs. U.S. — FDR resolved to continue program by creating 50 small AAA’s in states. h. Commodity Credit Corporation, Oct. 1933: made loans to corn and cotton farmers against their crops so that they could hold onto them for higher prices (similar to Populist idea of a subtreasury plan) 2. Federal Farm Loan Act a. Allocated millions of dollars to help farmers meet their mortgages. b. Consolidated all farm credit programs into the Farm Credit Administration 3. Addressing the Dust Bowl refugees a. Late 1933, drought struck states in the trans-Mississippi Great Plains — Millions of tons of top soil were blown as far as Boston b. In five years, 350,000 Oklahomans and Arkansans — “Okies” and “Arkies” migrated to southern California. c. Frasier-Lemke Farm Bankruptcy Act of 1934 i. Allowed farmers to defer foreclosure while they obtained new financing. ii. Helped them to recover property already lost through easy financing. d. Resettlement Administration (RA) May 1935 i. Relocated destitute families to new rural homestead communities or suburbs. ii. Set up by FDR to move devastated farmers to better land e. CCC employed men to plant more than 200 million new trees f. Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck educated many on the crisis. APUSH Lecture Notes Page 8 Unit 12.3: New Deal

4. Rural Electrification Administration (REA) — May 1935 — Provided loans and WPA labor to electric cooperatives to build lines into rural areas not served by private companies. G. Industry and Labor 1. National Industrial Recovery Administration (NIRA) — June 16, 1933) a. Most complex and far reaching of New Deal programs was designed to prevent extreme competition, labor-management disputes, & over- production i. FDR and advisors believed nation’s economy had reached its growth limit and that laissez faire was damaging to the mature American economy. ii. This would prove incorrect as the US economy burgeoned in later decades. b. Board composed of labor leaders and industrial leaders in over two hundred individual industries were to work out codes of “fair competition”. i. Maximum work hours: spread employment out among more people. ii. Minimum wages were established. iii. Minimum prices set (to avoid cutthroat competition) iv. Production limits & quotas instituted (to keep prices higher) c. Antitrust laws temporarily suspended for two years. — Some leftist critics believe that FDR sought to merely preserve the capitalist system where the real winners were the industrialists. d. Section 7a i. Workers formally guaranteed the right to organize and bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing. ii. “yellow dog”, or antiunion contract was forbidden. e. Certain restrictions were placed on the use of child labor. 2. National Recovery Administration (NRA) a. Created under leadership of Hugh Johnson to enforce the law and generate public enthusiasm for the NIRA. b. The “blue eagle” was displayed by merchants adhering to NRA codes with the slogan “we do our part.” c. Results: i. In the short run, business did improve — Yet, unsuccessful in stabilizing small businesses ii. NRA later shot down by Supreme Court in Schechter vs. U.S. — Congress had delegated legislative authority to the code- makers. iii. Criticized by some as favoring large firms as they were the ones making the codes.

Source: National Archives APUSH Lecture Notes Page 9 Unit 12.3: New Deal

3. Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act of 1935) — 2nd New Deal a. Perhaps most important piece of labor legislation in U.S. history — Replaced Section 7a of NRA that had been killed by the Supreme Court b. Reasserted the right of labor to engage in self-organization and to bargain collectively through representatives of its own choice c. Encouraged the creation of the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) started by John L. Lewis for unskilled labor. i. 1936, CIO organized sit-down strike in a GM factory in Flint, Michigan and it became recognized as the sole negotiator for its workers. ii. Became independent of the AFL in 1938 — Skilled-craft AFL refused new unions affiliated with CIO. 4. Fair Labor Standards Act (Wages and Hours Bill), 1938 (2nd New Deal) a. Last of the New Deal legislation b. Minimum-wage and 40-hour week for industries in interstate commerce. c. Prohibited child labor under age 16; dangerous labor forbidden under age 18 5. Labor became a staunch ally of FDR and the Democratic party. H. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) — May, 1933 1. TVA was a public corporation under a 3-member board. — Proposed by FDR as the first major experiment in regional public planning. 2. Intended to reform the power monopoly of utility companies by building hydroelectric power plants in the Tennessee Valley while employing thousands. a. 20 dams build in an area of 40,000 sq. miles to stop flooding and soil erosion, improve navigation, and generate hydroelectric power. b. Govt’s Muscle Shoals property on Tennessee River: project's nucleus 3. Sought to establish fair rates by discovering how much the production and distribution of electricity cost. 4. Huge success: provided full employment in the region, cheap electric power, low-cost housing, abundant cheap nitrates, restoration of eroded soil, reforestation, improved navigation, and flood control. 5. Criticized by many as socialistic due to government control of public utilities and a planned regional economy. a. Supreme Court later upheld the TVA. b. Congress refused other similar projects. APUSH Lecture Notes Page 10 Unit 12.3: New Deal

I. Housing Reform 1. Federal Housing Administration (FHA) — 1934 (still in operation today) — Stimulated building industry with small loans to homeowners to improve their homes or build new ones. 2. United States Housing Authority (USHA) — 1937 a. Lent money to states or communities for low-cost construction b. For first time in a century, slum areas in US stopped growing; even shrank. c. Criticized by real estate promoters, builders, and landlords (“slumlords”) as well as anti-New Dealers who considered it a waste of money. d. The project did not meet its goal of 650,000 units. J. Social Security Act of 1935 (August, 1935) — 2nd New Deal 1. One of the most far-reaching laws ever to pass Congress. a. Inspired by examples of highly industrialized European nations and pressure from the left (Coughlin, Townshend and Long). b. By 1939, over 45 million Americans were eligible c. First benefits, ranging from $10 to $85 per month, were paid in 1942. 2. Provided for federal-state unemployment insurance 3. Provided for old-age pensions for retired workers 4. Financed by a payroll tax on both employers and employees 5. Funded assistance for dependent mothers with children (AFDC) 6. Provision also made for the blind, physically handicapped, delinquent children, and other dependents. 7. Criticized by conservatives being built on a cult of leisure rather than work. K. Revenue Act of 1935 (“soak the rich tax”) 1. Raised income taxes on higher incomes, and also inheritance, large gift, and capital gains taxes. 2. Reversed many of Andrew Mellon’s tax cuts in the 1920s. L. Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 1. Bureau of Indian Affairs commissioner, John Collier, persuaded Congress to repeal the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. 2. New law restored tribal ownership of lands, recognized tribal constitutions and government, and provided loans to tribes for economic development. — Ended laws forbidding use of Indian ceremonies, dress, and languages. 3. Collier also secured creation of Indian Emergency Conservation Program, an Indian CCC for projects on the reservations. — Helped Indians secure entry into WPA, NYA & other programs APUSH Lecture Notes Page 11 Unit 12.3: New Deal

M. Effects of the First New Deal a. Economy improved but did not recover between 1933 and 1935 b. GNP rose from $74.2 billion to $91.4 billion. c. Manufacturing salaries and wages increased about 50% with average weekly earnings going from $16.73 to $20.13. d. Farm income more than doubled. e. Money supply, as currency and demand deposits grew nearly 15%. f. Unemployment dropped from about 25% of non-farm workers to about 20.1% (10.6 million). — Still far short of 3.2% pre-depression 1929 unemployment rate. V. Critics of the New Deal A. The American Liberty League 1. Group of wealthy Republicans and conservative Democrats (e.g. Al Smith and John W. Davis) formed in 1934 to fight “socialistic” New Deal schemes. 2. Sought to defend business interests and promote the open shop. 3. Unsuccessful in overthrowing FDR in 1936 elections. B. Father Charles Coughlin 1. Initially a New Deal supporter who eventually bitterly criticized it. — Believed the NIRA and AAA benefited only industry and wealthy farmers. 2. Had largest radio audience in U.S. history — 40 million listeners 3. Called Roosevelt a liar for not nationalizing the nation's banks 4. Later, anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) & strong fascist rhetoric resulted in his show cancelled C. Senator Huey P. (“Kingfish”) Long 1. “Share Our Wealth” program promised to make “Every Man a King” by supplying each family with $5,000 at the expense of the prosperous. — High inheritance taxes on large estates would be levied against the wealthy. 2. Popular Governor in Louisiana: raised taxes to fund schools and hospitals to serve the poor; roads improved & bridges built in neglected areas. 3. Controlled Louisiana politics from his senate seat in Washington. 4. Assassinated in 1935; may have posed a challenge to Roosevelt in 1936 5. Gerald L. K. Smith, new head of Share Our Wealth, lacked Long’s leadership. APUSH Lecture Notes Page 12 Unit 12.3: New Deal

D. Dr. Francis Townsend 1. Organized over 5 million supporters for his Old Age Revolving Pension Plan. 2. Advocated giving each senior citizen $200 per month (about twice the average worker’s salary) provided that the money be spent within a month. 3. Scheme would be funded by a national gross sales tax. 4. Some estimates had the scheme costing about 1/2 the national income. VI. Second New Deal (more reform oriented) A. Roosevelt responded to Democratic voters influenced by Townsend, Long, and Coughlin; the imminent d


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