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Please post 2 or more peer responses
Remember to demonstrate that you have read and understood your fellow student’s post(s) in your response posts by taking their discussion to the next level. Include the following: 
· Respond to your peer’s introduction material by welcoming them and sharing something you learned about them or interest to you.
· Critique their outline by providing strengths and areas of improvement based on the quality of the following areas of the outline:
· The Introduction– are all parts (Attention Getter, Topic Announcement, Speaker Credibility & Preview) present and developed?
· The Body- Does the outline develop at least 2-3 main points present and developed in the body?
· Are transitions present and properly worded to show movement between the main ideas in the body?
· The Conclusion- Does the conclusion bring finality to the outline? Are all parts (Signal the end, Summarize Main Ideas, Closing Statement) present?
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
Discussion Post 2- Self-Introduction Outline Title: My Self Introduction Topic: Self-Introduction Method of Organization: Full-Sentence Outline Specific Purpose: Introducing myself to my classmates and instructor in this course. Thesis: After doing the same job for seven years, I have moved from my home state, I am changing career paths, and I am going back to school.
Introduction (I would begin speaking at this point):
My name is Brandi Yahl,  I have lived in Tennessee my whole life, however my husband and I recently moved to North Carolina, shaking up more than just everything I have always known, but also my career as well.
Capture Attention: I am now 26 years old, and I have worked as a firefighter and a paramedic since I was 18 years old, so that is all I knew for the last eight years. I have worked multiple jobs at one time, crazy hours, dangerous working conditions, and had coworkers who were more like family in each of these positions. However, upon moving to North Carolina, I could not find a job as a firefighter near where we live, and decided to work in the emergency room as a paramedic instead. 
State the thesis: After doing the same job for eight years, we have moved from my home state, I am changing career paths, and I am going back to school for nursing. Establish Credibility: As with my career history, I have a lot of experience and joy when it comes to taking care of people, and as an adult, it is all I have known in my career. I frankly do not know if I ever would want to do a job where I could not help people. I do realize though that the crazy hours that come with being a paramedic and a firefighter are not necessarily sustainable for someone married to a military spouse and having dogs, and maybe kids in the future. He can leave at the drop of a hat for any amount of time, and if I am working a twenty four hour shift every third day that is not fair to my dogs or my future children. 
Preview the speech: I have always rebelled against the idea of being a nurse, even with my family and friends telling me that is my calling growing up. I also hear it all the time at my job in the emergency room, the other nurses are always encouraging me to go for my nursing degree. I decided a couple months ago after mulling it over and actually doing the job and working closely with nurses, that I should’ve started my nursing courses a long time ago. I wish that I had gone to nursing school straight out of high school, however I would have never known that this is what I wanted to do without the valuable experience I gained as a firefighter and paramedic over the last seven years. Nursing seems to be the perfect solution for all my future worries, plans, and choices.
I. Nursing, is a better option than my current licenses and experience provide for me. A. There are multiple job opportunities that are travel contract nursing jobs I could do near my family, if my husband were to get deployed.
B. Financially, it is a more stable option and if I were to have children, multiple Telehealth options for me to be home with the kids.
1. There are less fears that nursing poses for me versus my past careers. a. I have had surgeries and issues with my knees and shoulder in high school, and doing a very physically intensive job, if I were to get hurt I would be out of a job and unable to work. b. There are multiple different options for hours when it comes to nursing, not only do I not have to do 24 hour shifts anymore, I don’t have to do 12s either if I found an option that provided that. 2. As much as I wanted to, I could not even find a firefighter paramedic job near me, here in North Carolina. a. I feel that this forced me to think about what else I could do, that would still make me happy. b. It has been a very tough adjustment, going from essentially living a third of my life with my coworkers at the fire department, and them being my family essentially, to going to be in the hospital for a grueling twelve hour shift. c. Although this has been a tough adjustment, I am grateful that it has given me the opportunity to realize that I can do more and make a better life for myself and my family. C. I do feel as if I had a mourning period, when it comes to this whole transition phase the last year has brought. 1. Going back to school, after being out of it for years is daunting, and at times I considered not doing it simply because it requires too much effort. 2. Having to not only go back to school, but also leave everything I have ever known in Tennessee, and my family. a. I miss my family, my coworkers, and the life I had in Tennessee.
b. Going back to school doesn’t only mean more time and work, it also means I am not only taking on student loans but also paying a large stipend monthly, which means working more hours at my current job to afford this. Transition: It was not an easy conclusion to come to, and it took a lot of prayers and self searching about what do I really want to do with this essentially, ‘forced’ fresh start I have found myself in. I realized that we do not have children, and financially if I work enough hours, I can afford to go back to school and know that if if I am diligent, I can finish in December 2025 and come out with not only my RN license, but also my bachelors degree. I think the ultimate decision maker for me was the fact that I knew I would regret not trying and that I could be shortchanging myself in the future if I did not seize this opportunity to go to nursing school.
II. I decided I would go for it, and go to school to be a nurse. A. While I have loved to be a paramedic and firefighter, I also have realized that I knew there was more I wanted to achieve. B. As fun as it was to be a firefighter and have my coworkers be my family, I realized even then, that if I never wanted to do more, I didn’t have to and I would still be successful there. 1. I knew there was not many options outside of that and it would be harder once I had children one day to keep doing the 24/48 schedule. a. I have also realized that with my husband being in the military and us moving every 3 years or so, I would keep running into this issue where I could only be a paramedic, or a firefighter, not much else due to that being the only experience I had thus far.
Transition: Since making the decision to go to school, I have received a lot of mixed feedback.
II. Many people are helping me along the way, but there are some who have given quite a bit of pushback. A. My nursing coworkers at the hospital are almost all supportive, telling me it is my calling and that I will be very successful.
B. On the other hand, the paramedics and firefighters I interact with at work, and back home, call me a traitor and look down their noses at me for essentially leaving the emergency services side to pursue this goal. 1. I do not fear though, because I have made this decision completely of my own volition, and I firmly believe that going to school to get my RN, BSN is the right decision for me and my family at this time. 2. As scary as it is to think about never being in the emergency services field again, I realize that there are similar options, volunteer opportunities, and newfound passions to be made upon finishing school and finding where my nursing niche will be. C. I feel that this last year, moving, changing careers, and being forced to uproot everything I ever have known, has put me in the perfect position to go to school and have an open mind for it. 1. I am only in my second term at this point, but I have found a renewed love for learning and I have a sense of purpose as I work towards my goal. 2. I no longer feel as if I am free-floating and waiting to figure out what to do with my life. a. Every class I have had so far is directly relatable to my future career in some form or fashion, and I actually enjoy the simulations and discussions with my peers I have had. b. I have realized that if I am successful in school after not attending for some time, I have no limits to what I can do in the future.  Transition: I will continue to do soul searching in the future, even after I finish my nursing degree, because now that I had this fresh start to make this decision for my future and my family, I realized that there is no other place I need or would rather be at this point in my life, even through the hardships and tough decisions. Conclusion: While being uprooted from my beloved career, family, and friends has been difficult, I am so grateful that it happened, because I not only have learned so much about myself in the process, I have also truly found my calling and I have a sense of purpose in life again that has reinvigorated my life. I used to go to work and love it, but I knew that something more was out there for me. I never wanted to figure out what it was because truly I was comfortable as a firefighter paramedic and knew that if I didn’t reach out and try something, then there was no way I could fail. This all has brought me to do the career I truly never thought that I would, and has brought me to where I am at today, a BSN student at Herzing University, and also working full time in the emergency room at my local hospital. I think there is always more that we can do if we dream it, and I have decided to go for it without fear of failure, regret, or of what others think of my decision.
Title: Strong Willed
Topic: Self-Introduction
Method of Organization: Full-Sentence Outline
Specific Purpose: Introducing myself to my audience in this course.
Thesis: I am a very strong person who has always gone after what I wanted in life, and my degree is the one thing I always has trouble finishing because I was going to try and making on pure back bone and blood sweat and tears but now nothing will stand in the way. I was not prepared for the real world I would come to learn that I will be slapped down again, again.
Introduction (this is where you start speaking): 
Hello, my name is Sadie Kelly , I am a 29-year-old mother of three and a loving wife. I have worked twenty plus odd jobs in search of that job that makes me so happy. I finally found that job working in an appliance store as a dispatcher for a medical group part. I am overly excited to be back in college to finish my degree I started many moons ago.
Capture Attention: I am a 29-year-old trying to make my next move in which I am trying to better myself and my career, putting one foot in front of the other. It has taken me years to challenge myself and I keep getting stuck on one subject which is math! What do I need this for anyway.
State the thesis:  : I am an extraordinarily strong person who has always gone after what I wanted in life, and my degree is the one thing I always has trouble finishing but now nothing will stand in the way.
Establish Credibility: I have always been a strong person in which I have strive everyday to do better and work extremely hard to be the best I can be for my family . I have worked my fingers to the bone and have made myself mentally strong in which I can succeed every step of the way.
Preview the speech: 
Hello, my name is Sadie Kelly , I am a 29-year-old mother of three and a loving wife. I have worked twenty plus odd jobs in search of that job that makes me so happy. I finally found that job working in an appliance store as a dispatcher for a medical group part. I am overly excited to be back in college to finish my degree I started many moons ago.
Honestly, this challenge is a personal one and has made me super strong a s a person, hoping from job to job while the world felt like it would crumble at my feet made it exceedingly difficult for me to hold down any position for longer than 1 year .
It was as if though I was searching for something that was not real , longing and missing a piece of myself. I did learn resilience, strong back bone, and primarily I had major hope.
Part 1 :
Starting out in a new job with a new set of rules and new people was not always easy, and it for sure became a headache changing direct deposit all the time in which honestly is ridicules.’ Also, the very fact that every time I turned around there was someone getting the promotion I deserved . It truly did get old and hurt my heart. I tried and tried again to impress some type of boss and it made me look stupid and made me bitter. I personally do not wish that feeling of getting passed over repeatedly knowing you are the best on my worst enemy. Yes, it did make me stronger, but it also messed with my confidence to be the best I could be .
Part 2 :
My degree has always been something I looked at like a major accomplishment. I used to look at it like without it I can still be great and which I was, but for some reason that piece of paper makes all the difference. So, all my will power, skills, and quality meant nothing to those higher ups who passed me over all the time. This Is why I jumped from job to job for years. I felt like this is the only way I would move up and then one day it just hit me. Why not just go back to school and finish what I started . I know why ; I was determined to make it without my degree. I was going to make it on my strongest alone. I was sadly mistaken. This world does not work that way.
Part 3:
When I tell you I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going next, I just knew I was going to get there on my own. My whole life I strived to do it on my own, be independent . I did not need a degree or anyone. The turning point for me is when I lost my best friend and loving grandmother. I never got to show her where I could do this, she had been telling me for years to go back to school and I kept telling her that I did not need it. When she was in that hospital, I got to truly feel how powerless I truly was and started to question how strong I was, and when she passed away, I was defeated. I learned from her death that it takes brains and bronze to be strong. In that moment I decided it was time to go back to school and stop jumping from job to job.

Transition: Losing my grandma and realizing you can be strong and smart.
Conclusion: Trying my hardest to not conform and work my fingers to the bone for what I wanted out of life, without using my brain to coutnine my climb to the top was not a smart move. It takes it all, mind, body, and soul to reach each person’s full protentional. I was a fool to believe that I could truly make it in this world with just muscle . When in fact in was inside me all along to go back and finish what I started to better myself and a family’s future. Sometimes we must fall all the way down to see what was right in front of us the whole time.


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