You will write a description of 100 to 200 words

 You will write a description of 100 to 200 words indicating to the instructor how your instructions accommodate the personas you wrote in writing assignment #1. For this assignment, it is acceptable to write a set of instructions on how to accomplish a task on a mobile device. An example of this approach would be a set of instructions on how to download an app to borrow library books from your local library. 

Follow the attach instructions to complete the work

  • WritingAssignment2–Setofinstructionsforawebsitewithdescriptionoftheapplicationofpersonas-WRTG3936363AdvancedTechnicalWriting2248-UMGCLearningManagementSystemrubricforassignment2.pdf

  • WRTG393_WA2_Instructions_Website_with_PersonasDescription_Fall2024_assignment2instructions.pdf

  • sample_instructions_BB_WA2_Fall2021_u2sampleofassignment2.pdf

  • Assignment2ofadvancewriting.docx

2023_rubric_WA2:instructions for a

website/description of persona Course: WRTG 393 6363 Advanced Technical Writing (2248)

number of

total steps

(main steps

and nested


8 or more 5 4 3 1 or 2 Criterion Score

number of


/ 1010 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 0 points

List of Steps Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score


begin with an

imperative verb,

or with a phrase

followed by an

imperative verb

/ 10

steps are


/ 5

10 points 5 points 0 points

5 points 2.5 points 0 points

8/12/24, 3:12 PM Writing Assignment #2 — Set of instructions for a website (with description of the application of personas) – WRTG 393 6363 Advanc… 1/7

List of Steps Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

the list of steps

provide clear

instructions on

how to

complete the


/ 1515 points

A new user can

complete the task

by following the



elements are are

clearly indicated

for the user. The

user does not

have to figure out

steps or actions.

7.5 points

A new user can

possibly complete

the task by

following the

instructions, but

some level of

ambiguity exists.


elements might

not be clearly

indicated for the

user. The user has

to figure out steps

or actions.

0 points

Notes Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

Notes are

provided as

mentioned in

the assignment


/ 1010 points

At least two notes

are indicated to

the user. The

notes are not

numbered as

steps, but rather

are separate from

the steps.

5 points

Only one note is

indicated to the



The notes are

numbered as

steps, rather than

separate from the


0 points

No notes are

provided to the


Overview or

Introduction Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

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Overview or

Introduction Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score




about why the

user would want

to accomplish

the task.

/ 55 points

The introduction

explains what the

set of instructions

will show and why

a user would want

to complete the

set of


2.5 points

One of the

following is


-what the set of

instructions will


-why a user would

want to complete

the set of


0 points

The document has

no introduction,


the introduction

does not actually

introduce the set

of instructions.

Number of

Graphics 8 or more 7 6 5 4 or fewer

Criterion Score

number of


/ 1010 points 8 points 7 points 6 points 0 points

Clarity and

originality of


Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

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Clarity and

originality of


Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

Graphics are

clear and


/ 10

Graphics are

original screen


/ 5

Graphics are

labelled with

“figure,” a

number, and a


/ 3

10 points

Graphics are

aligned with each

other, whether

left-aligned or

right-aligned. In

addition, the

labels to the

graphics are

aligned with the


5 points

Graphics are


aligned with each

other, whether

left-aligned or



The labels to the

graphics are not

aligned with the


0 points

Graphics are not

aligned with each



The labels to the

graphics are not

aligned with the


5 points 2.5 points 0 points

3 points 1.5 points 0 points


Design Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

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Design Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

has a sufficient

amount of white

space to allow

for easy


/ 22 points

The set of


feature enough

white space so

that the user is

not confused

about how the

different steps are

sequenced. In

addition, any text

that explains a

part of a step is

clearly associated

with that step.

The document

does not add

stress to the user

by asking that the

user figure out

how the

document is


1 point

The set of



seems “cluttered,”

with insufficient

white space in

some areas. The

user might be


confused about

how the different

steps are

sequenced. Text

that explains a

part of a step may

not clearly be

associated with

that step. The

document might

require the user

to figure out how

the document is


0 points

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Design Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

Proximity is


with each step

close to the

graphic it


/ 33 points

The graphic for

each step is next

to the step that

the graphic

corresponds to. In

addition, graphics

and other material

that are not

associated with a

step are

sufficiently far

away from that

step to avoid any

confusion for the


1.5 points

For some steps,

the graphic for

each step is not

next to the step

that the graphic

corresponds to.


Graphics and

other material

that are not

associated with a

step are too close

to the step with

which they are

not related,


causing confusion

for the user.

0 points

The graphics for

the steps are

never close to the

steps that they

correspond to.


For all steps,

graphics and

other material

that are not

associated with a

step are too close

to the step.


Choices Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score


Choices for Set

of Instructions


Description of

How Personas



/ 1818 points

Language has only



ty problems.

9 points

Language has



ty problems.

0 points

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Total / 120

Overall Score

Description of

how the



the persona

Complete Incomplete Absent Criterion Score

The description

indicates how

the instructions


the three




references to

parts of the


/ 1414 points

For each of the

three personas,

the writer reviews

what the pain

point or unique

situation was for

that persona,

reviews how the

set of instructions


the pain point or

unique situation

for each persona,

and refers

specifically to

areas of the

document that


each persona. A

brief description

is written for each

of the three


7 points

For at least one of

the three

personas, the

writer does not

explain how the

set of instructions


the pain point or

unique situation

for each persona,


the writer does

not refer

specifically to

areas of the

document that


each persona.

0 points

The writer does

not explain how

the set of



the pain point or

unique situation

for any of the

three personas.

Level 3 96 points minimum

Level 2 60 points minimum

Level 1 0 points minimum

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Writing Assignment #2

Set of Instructions for a Local Website and

Description of Accommodating Your Personas

Summary of the Assignment:

• Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to

accomplish a task on a website at a local institution. You will also write a brief

description of how the personas that you wrote for writing assignment #1 informed this


• Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count on the set of instructions.

However, your instructions must have eight or more steps. More information on the

number of steps is provided below. In addition, your instructions will have at least two

notes written to point out items to the user. These requirements are explained in more

detail below.

• Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step.

o At least 8 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions.

o All graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating.

o All graphics should be labeled.

• Incorporating the personas into this assignment: You will write a description of 100

to 200 words indicating to the instructor how your instructions accommodate the

personas you wrote in writing assignment #1.

For this assignment, it is acceptable to write a set of instructions on how to accomplish a

task on a mobile device. An example of this approach would be a set of instructions on

how to download an app to borrow library books from your local library.

Please continue to the next page.

Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:

Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment:

• You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website. The website

must be for a regional or local organization or company in your area. For example,

you could write about how to order a pizza from a local pizza shop in your town. You

could write about how to purchase an item from a local shop in your area (not from


• National chains are not allowed for this assignment. The instructions must be written

for a local company or organization. For example, you cannot write instructions on how

to rent a power saw online from Home Depot. However, you could write instructions on

how to rent a power saw online from a local hardware store in your area.

If you have questions about whether your topic will work, please contact your instructor

for approval or for suggestions on the topic.

• The set of instructions must be written on how to accomplish one overall task on the


For example, if the website you have chosen is the Maryland Zoo

(, you can write a set of instructions on how to purchase

tickets online for the zoo. All three of your personas will then want to purchase tickets


But you could not write about how to purchase tickets online, how to donate to the zoo

online, and how to become a corporate partner of the zoo online. Those are three separate

and unrelated tasks that can be done on the zoo’s website. You must choose one task that

involves various pain points or unique situations for your personas.

• The important features of your set of instructions will be that they are written to a general

audience but also accommodate the specific personas that you wrote for writing

assignment #1.

Some examples of topics are the following. (Keep in mind that you may select your own

topic. These are just examples to help you consider various topics.)

o how to check your balance in your checking account online at your local bank or

credit union

o how to find and borrow a book on your local public library’s website

o how to order a chabchae dish from the local Korean restaurant in your area

o how to locate a product on your local Craigslist site and contact the seller to

arrange for purchase and pickup

o how to order a large pizza online from a local pizzeria in your neighborhood

o how to pay a fee on the website for the Motor Vehicle Association in Maryland

(or the equivalent for your state)

• You must have at least eight steps.

• Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in

the class indicate.

• Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions.

• You must have at least two notes written to the user. Last (2019) writes, “…instructions

must often emphasize key points or exceptions. For these situations, you use special

notices—note, warning, caution, and danger notices.” You will incorporate at least two

notes to point out key points or exceptions to the user.

An example of a Note is shown below:

Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions:

The set of instructions will include the following sections:

• Title

• Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to

accomplish the task you are describing.

• Instructions

o number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate

o do not number the notes. Rather, indicate a note to the reader by using the marker


o provide a graphic for each step of the instructions

▪ all graphics will be screen captures of the website.

▪ all graphics should be labeled, as demonstrated in the samples posted to

the class.

• A description of how the instructions accommodate the personas. Remember, each one

of your personas had at least one pain point or one unique situation that needs

attention in your set of instructions. Your instructions for this assignment will

accommodate each persona’s pain points or unique situation. It is in this section of the

assignment that you describe how you accommodated them.

Helpful Guides and Resources:

• The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class,

has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into


• The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features

excellent tips on writing instructions.

o Section 2.8.3 of the handbook, Instructions and Procedures, will be particularly


• Two sample sets of instructions are provided in our class in LEO.

Due Date: Your instructor will notify you of the due date. You will write a first draft, your instructor will

comment on the first draft, and you will submit a second draft using the comments as your guide.


Last, S. (2019). Technical writing essentials.



How to Order Food Online for Pickup from Banana Blossom Bistro

Banana Blossom Bistro is a new, trendy, and exciting eatery in Riverdale, Maryland. It features

excellent Asian cuisine at a reasonable price. The service is fast and efficient. The mission is

people-centered. You cannot go wrong in ordering a meal from Banana Blossom Bistro. You

will be supporting the local community, guarding your wallet, and honoring your appetite.

Moreover, Banana Blossom is convenient for online ordering and pickup. The restaurant is

accessible from main roads in Hyattsville and Riverdale. It is 20 minutes from the District of

Columbia. It is the perfect place to order online, pick up your food, and proceed on your way.

Banana Blossom respects your privacy. If you order online, they promise not to text you, email

you, or contact you in any way to promote any specials or entrées. They value you as a

customer. They don’t manipulate you as a statistic.

1. From your preferred web browser, access

Figure 1

Home Page of Banana Blossom Bistro

2. Select ORDER ONLINE from the menu options.

Figure 2


3. If you would like to create an account to make future ordering easier, select Create

Account in the upper right-hand corner of our home page. If not, please move on to step


Figure 3

4. Fill in your email address and password and select Login to log in with your newly

created account.

Figure 4

M enu I tem to Order Online

Option to Create an Account


Email and Password for the Option to Create an Account


5. Select the edit button for Pickup for now.

Figure 5

6. Select your desired pick-up time.

a. If you desire to pick up your food in 30 minutes, keep the Order now button


Figure 6

Edit B utton for the Option to Pickup for N ow


Option to Order Now

b. If you desire to order your pickup for later, select Schedule for later and select a

time from the drop-down menu.

Figure 7

Option to Schedule Pickup for L ater


7. Select your desired dish.

Figure 8

Menu Options

Note: If you prefer one of our specials as


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